Monthly Archive: March 2016

Aung San Suu Kyi In First Civilian Myanmar Government


It’s a new dawn in the southeast Asian nation of Myanmar. The Burmese people are waking up to a new reality. For many a Myanma, it still feels like the dream they so closely cherished in their hearts, a dream where their nation undergoes a transformation from a total military dictatorship to a totally democratic country. But, the undeniable fact is that the Burmese people have been finally granted their most desired wish- A government, of the people, for the people and by the people. For them, the last part is what they wanted the most from this much-heard definition of Democracy- By The People.

suukyi1The election results have been officially announced. In what many analysts term as a major political milestone, civilian leaders, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, have successfully won the elections and have replaced the generals who have been governing the nation for more than a half-century.
The outgoing president, ex-general U Thein Sein, has formally relinquished his post and welcomed his successor, U Htin Kyaw. Under U Thein Sein’s five year rule, the military dictatorship had taken the first few steps towards democracy, forming almost a hybrid system of government.

One of the greatest disappointments, however, was the fact that political activist Aung San Suu Kyi was denied the chance to head the fledgling democracy. She had been barred from assuming the post of President as the law in Myanmar clearly states that Myanmar’s having a spouse or children of Foreign nationality, cannot become the head of the nation. Many people around the world have termed this as being unjust as the 70-year-old Suu Kyi had spent more than half of her life under house arrest while demanding the expulsion of the military government.

On the other hand, Suu Kyi herself is wasting no time and is instead busy sculpting a challenging role as a “Super Minister”. In charge of four portfolios: education, foreign affairs, energy and the president’s office, she has no plans to indulge in a Game Of Thrones.

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